Astartiel IsisAsetian's Bio
"Learn More About A Real, Living Human Vampire!"

Astartiel IsisAsetian, a 40-year-old single mother, has been studying every aspect of New Age, Metaphysical, Occult, Wicca, and Paranormal Knowledge and the right use of divination and guidance tools for over 25 years. She is very experienced with Astrology, Numerology, Chakras, EFT, Reiki, Runes, Tarot Cards, Animal Cards, Pendulums, Crystals, etc.

Astartiel has been working with energy, in various forms mostly on an individual basis, for most of her life. She has been attuned to Reiki energy since December of 2006 as a Reiki Master by Martin Lee and others. She has also been studying EFT (tapping) and has been using it in conjunction with Reiki, with very positive results.

Astartiel believes we each create our own reality through the Law of Attraction. She believes we all agreed on a shared reality and that individually and en masse we do indeed create what happens in our reality through our thoughts, beliefs and emotions as surely as we create through our physical actions. Thoughts, emotions and beliefs are also physical actions. She sees the world is just beginning to discover the huge effect those inner actions have on the world and the universe around us.

Astartiel believes that within all systems of spirituality, be they organized religion, earth-based religions or more exotic forms of spiritual understanding, there are many seeds of truth. That is why so many systems work for so many different types of people. The main thing is Believing. Faith. Belief makes a spiritual system true.

The same is true for divination. Belief in it gives it truth. And using it as a guide to correct action rather than a predictor of oncoming events is the truest way to use divination tools because the future can always be changed. Nothing is set, until you choose it. Remember, "there is no spoon."

For more on Astartiel IsisAsetian's beliefs, read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, the Seth books by Jane Roberts and the Abraham books by Esther Hicks.

And yes, Astartiel actually fancies herself "A Real, Living Human Vampire" and she has a real hunger/thirst for human blood. Take that as you will.

If you have any questions, you can email Astartiel at, and she will get back to you as soon as she can. Thank you! Have a nice day! Blessed be!

Disclaimer: This site is for Entertaiment Purposes ONLY. Astartiel IsisAsetian does not make any claims of abilities to read the future or any other psychic or paranormal powers beyond that of any normal person, if such things even exist. She simply does the reports, readings & healings. Although she has been studying such subjects for over 25 years, She has no degree in parapsychology, psychology, medicine or any other theraputic training, nor can she solve all your problems. She only gives you tools, it is up to you to use them.